The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Professionals

Cross Party Alliance
embraceEDI is the secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity (EDI) Professionals. This is a cross-party alliance comprising of politicians at a local and national level and we use it to engage with central government strategically to achieve outcomes for EDI professionals.

Professional Body
We are the UK’s leading professional body for people working in EDI roles or anyone working with an EDI brief responsible for bringing about best practice for their organisation.

Nationally Recognised
Our members have the reassurance of being part of a nationally recognised organisation with a powerful voice. Our membership extends to a wide variety of sectors - Local Authorities, Children’s Trusts (including adoption and fostering agencies); the health sector, charities and the private sector.

embraceEDI has been established by professionals working in strategic leadership EDI roles for professionals like you. You can therefore be confident of a wealth of experience, knowledge and support at your fingertips where you are part of a nationally recognised standard for your EDI work.
Our Vision
Our vision is to ensure that our members are professionally supported to recognise and respond to anti discriminatory practice; to raise cultural awareness and improve inclusivity in all aspects of their organisation.
The support we offer focuses on two key themes for your organisation - your workforce and how you deliver services.
We believe that these are the priorities for any organisation wanting to achieve success when responding to the modern day challenges faced by EDI professionals.